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31 January 2007

feminism - the religion is twisted and corrupted

feminism i guess is a twisted, irrelevant concept which was born out of the very reasons why religions are born. a religion is born because someone thinks that whatever is happening in the society is not doing any good to the human social existence and postulates some rules which if followed would apparently keep the integrity of the social fabric intact. same is the case with feminism. someone coined the idea because whatever happening with the females was not good and something was to be done so that females get the equal respect they deserved as they have a particular function in the social fabric that evolved since the construction of social sense started. now "function" being the operative word here. in a mechanical setup a, part in the machinery is created because it is needed there. the important point to note here is that the size of the part isn't important, the design is. and on the same time it is supposed to do it because the collective motive is to keep the machinery going. and going by the design, a female form is optimised to carry out those functions which are less muscle intensive and more emotionally demanding.

thus, when i find the concept of feminism twisted to accommodate and employ the motive of taking the attention away from the basic native function of female that is keeping the family's emotional setup intact, i find the society defeated. at the same time keeping in mind that any of them could excel in any of faculty of the arts - the native functions still remains the same.

30 January 2007

imagining the beautiful

i am not able to co-relate the tools with the platform. i mean why do females look more beautiful when they beautify them. or how do our mind interpret something as beautiful. or why do a female looks more attractive when she applies an eye-liner or wear something that accentuates her fullness. today i saw two females who i see virtually daily and one of whom i find not beautiful but modern but she has a great [hourglass] body and another who i think is better looking and has a nice [full] body. now the former of them had a lace thong on today and the latter one skin tight indian top. the former managed to make an impression which she hasn't managed to till date and the latter impressed all the more. thus am trying to understand the role of the tools, the respective cloth they were wearing. or is it just the mind imagining?

22 January 2007

Blood diamond - not exactly a review

I didn't know the movie would be such a sad account of civil war that raged in Sierra Leone in the '90s and is still on in Democratic Republic of Congo, and some parts of Cote d'Ivoire. Although war in Angola and Sierra Leone are over but things are still not settled.

I mean when it is a true story, it seems to hurt a lot more than any 'story'. And it hurts even more to know that you are or have been a party to the crime that is happening somewhere. But there is no more excuse of being ignorant.

People, if you do not know what a
blood diamond is than please read about it here. A blood diamond is termed so because it has been responsible for the blood shed of a human. Diamonds have been used to fund buying of arms by the rebels in these African countries [and resulting in death of around 4 million people]. So if you as a customer is not ensuring that the diamond that you are buying is conflict free, it could be a smuggled diamond and might have been responsible for men dying, women and girls raped and killed, and children made soldiers or their limbs butchered.

You can find more resource about the conflict diamonds here.

Therefore, we as a jewelry-obsessed nation with our moms, sisters and everyone wanting to buy more jewelry [and increasingly diamonds nowadays], it becomes all the more important for us to ensure that we are not buying anything that has been directly responsible in someone's death.

15 January 2007

how would it happen - naturally?

while talking about boobs and booties, and getting some new friends in the fraternity of brotherhood and kicks in the geography of bottomhood, i got [ummm... did i] bored. someone did for sure. it was getting repetitive. there was nothing to read except for about girls [which i guess not many girls like]. so in a [not so serious] attempt to write something for girl audience, i failed [anyways that isn't a news when girls are involved].

but then i saw something and thought about something. i mean i thought about girls even than too but i mean i thought more about it than girls. how is human life going to perish from the face of the earth? i mean, firangi writers have thought about seemingly all the ways in which the life can perish, but then what can beat nature; can imagination?

natural calamities - earthquake, volcano are not much in vogue. so are WMDs. space although very vast, fast and undiscovered won't be bothered about relatively little issue such as human life [if at all it is as big]. parasites aren't as big to kill 'everybody' and dinosaurs would sure leave some of them under their fat arses unseen and thus uneaten [if that is a correct grammatical usage].

so what would it be? think think think, burf, think think think. my ideas:-

would it be that from a very unfine day in future, the females would stop giving birth to girls [could be any medical or psychological reason] and there would be only guys on earth and no girls to hump and therefore no new kids.

or would it happen in a very natural way? i mean, with growing tech, all the humans would shift to other planets in other solar system in other galaxies and find alien girls who are less fussy [about everything and sex :D ] and look much more beautiful and desirable [than human females - which is a shuddering thought. and of course, their anatomy can be a hot topic for another comprehensive post such as this ;) ].

what do you think could be the reason?

09 January 2007


02 January 2007

the thought process for the new year

new year won't be much fun if it does not involves any of the three constituents necessary to make it a huge success: boobs, booze and bass. if you think about it, all these three things make your heart thump [faster]. good news is that i had my heart's fill of the three. although some people are hell bent on ruining the combination why they throw the booze up on the bass drums before getting their hands laid on the boobs they can't handle.

went to the office party on the last weekend of the year. it was a shame that people were throwing up there too. i had the same question that someone had. why do you drink when you have to excrete it via the same route you took it in - disgustingly dirty, you know.

but then i just read a post about being positive, looking at the new year with happiness. not thinking about the girl i wasn't able to lay but one who is in the queue and how would it be with her :D beautiful, i hope. it all boils down to how you think and how you look at it - you sure would be fucked :D