
Have you seen my other blog - Burfila - ?

11 June 2007


i have lost two thirds of my ENT faculties
i have been losing temper on road these days
i am losing my patience [nothing new]
i am losing the inspiration to have this blog [i so want to shut it]
the mind is losing to the passion
the passion is losing to the overwhelming bouts of re-realisation

and as enrique iglesias' not in love plays in the background, i feel that... i have been losing myself

01 June 2007

a kid

why do you ask me to give it up when you are not giving it up?


why do i expect you to give it up when i am not giving it up?

your age doesn't really make a difference to you. you still are susceptible, you still have expectations, you still scream, not give up, become unhappy, curse, cry, despair at not getting something that is there that you really like and is out of your reach.