
Have you seen my other blog - Burfila - ?

25 July 2006

make money from your blog

internet is a huge industry at this moment. we all probably know that. but what we all may not know is that blogging is becoming a huge industry into itself. for most of us, it might still be a privy to our personal thoughts under the cloak of anonymity but some are turning it into their full-time jobs. although these are just the very few but those sort of people are already there.

so to cut the long story short, let us ask "how?"

the simplest and the hardest way is to sell ads. on your blog

but why would anyone pay you for putting his/her ads. on your blog. because you get a great number of visitors on your blog who might land up on the advertisers' too and generate revenues for them by whatever means.

but if you don't get many visitors, then? then you can just refer a friend and ask him/her to sign up and you get the commission for the reference and the friend gets it to refer his friend and his friend to his friend and thus the chain goes on. simple.

so being my friend, you --- click here and sign up --- :D

cheers [though i will explain this all sometimes soon]


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