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31 January 2007

feminism - the religion is twisted and corrupted

feminism i guess is a twisted, irrelevant concept which was born out of the very reasons why religions are born. a religion is born because someone thinks that whatever is happening in the society is not doing any good to the human social existence and postulates some rules which if followed would apparently keep the integrity of the social fabric intact. same is the case with feminism. someone coined the idea because whatever happening with the females was not good and something was to be done so that females get the equal respect they deserved as they have a particular function in the social fabric that evolved since the construction of social sense started. now "function" being the operative word here. in a mechanical setup a, part in the machinery is created because it is needed there. the important point to note here is that the size of the part isn't important, the design is. and on the same time it is supposed to do it because the collective motive is to keep the machinery going. and going by the design, a female form is optimised to carry out those functions which are less muscle intensive and more emotionally demanding.

thus, when i find the concept of feminism twisted to accommodate and employ the motive of taking the attention away from the basic native function of female that is keeping the family's emotional setup intact, i find the society defeated. at the same time keeping in mind that any of them could excel in any of faculty of the arts - the native functions still remains the same.


  • phew !!! it is tough for me to understand after i read it here..

    maybe i would like to discuss it over...

    By Blogger ~ ॐ ~, at January 31, 2007 11:32 AM  

  • okie

    By Blogger burf, at February 05, 2007 12:18 PM  

  • By Anonymous Anonymous, at February 06, 2007 3:35 PM  

  • its irresponsible on the part of "men" to assume that it lies only with females to keep the emotional fabric of society/family intact. Both have equal resposnibilities in that matter.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at February 15, 2007 12:09 AM  

  • what a day did u choose to comment - the day they celebrate love; [and that too by just playing the blame-game and not putting the point, as of how?]

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at February 15, 2007 6:20 PM  

  • Hmm. Agreed to feminism being misconstrued as trying to change the basic fabric/nature of the man-woman relationship. However, from your post, it does sound as if the entire onus of emotional stability or even ability of a relationship rests on a woman. It does not. It's like saying, satisfaction through sex is entirely the man's onus. Not fair, not right.

    By Blogger Jhoomur aka JB, at February 19, 2007 12:39 PM  

  • tough one to comment on.

    By Blogger Arunima, at February 19, 2007 2:53 PM  

  • clit - how abt that being 98% woman's onus and 2% man's?

    arunima - :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at February 20, 2007 11:45 AM  

  • feminism will continue to be blown out of proportion till there is a belief in the society that it is the "native funtion" of the female to keep the families' emotional setup intact.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at February 20, 2007 3:26 PM  

  • anony - if not that what is?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at February 20, 2007 3:28 PM  

  • than*

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at February 20, 2007 3:28 PM  

  • women wud like to believe that they have a knack for handling emotional situations better than men but they r living to do much more than that.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at February 20, 2007 3:44 PM  

  • I was with you - till I read the - it is "important thing.. is the design" and the second para..

    first in the word "design".. I would liked to have read "function" or something along the lines of the "the usage" .. when you say design.. it can be misleading to some and they might think its the physical aspect that you are referring to.. (even if you werent) - to me design is the physical and the functional but like I said the word design can loose out the impact that you want to have..

    this wasnt that bad...

    the second para - i think you kinda got carried away.. (or did you)
    the particular line, "is keeping the family's emotional setup intact" I think that is a very very strong statement and a very subjective one..
    with the flow in which you were writing your thoughts, these somehow stand out - it makes me wonder and question - does the male today - still thinks that is THE only role of a woman in society..

    i hope that is not what you were wanting to write.. i really hope..

    else its kinda sad.. to see this technosavy, yet sentimental, informed guy of today.. thinking that's how the society should function..

    its not entirely wrong - what you wrote.. but how much is right.. are there any other core issues..
    i can tons of other things here.
    but honestly I would like you to revisit and think - and then I would add my comments..

    such articles are good for debates and understanding whats wrong and generally bringing awareness of issues - and since you have a great fan following.. I think you owe your audience a little more effort and thought

    then again these are just my thoughts ;)

    By Blogger Wind of change, at March 15, 2007 9:41 AM  

  • anony - they might be and thats sad but that still is not a good enough reason to support the feminism in its current version

    winds - yea, i know now, the context in which i used the word design might only be taken the way it should be not by everyone

    the problem still remains; that i was talking about how it was meant to be in the very beginning and how it all lost its meaning

    and feminism is just an agenda like religion [which came into being when food and sex became easy] to coax people into thinking about something else in the name of civilisation

    By Blogger burf, at March 19, 2007 12:44 PM  

  • This comment has been removed by the author.

    By Blogger Wind of change, at March 20, 2007 11:11 AM  

  • This comment has been removed by the author.

    By Blogger Wind of change, at March 20, 2007 11:12 AM  

  • burf: (BTW I like that name :) coming back to the topic, I think the reason that "feminism" has become an agenda, or a skin behind which ppl fight reservations and other weird things.. I think that's exactly the reason why we should talk about it - talk about how it is still not defined - how women are in many ways still discovering the powers of it , the pros and cons of it.. how are they are trying to use it - both in good and bad manner - how has it effected the family - the nuclear and joint.. how the indian value system muight be affected... what the transit period is as this gets defined.. what it means to the man of today,...

    so bottom line is - lets talk ... just dont end it like this...

    By Blogger Wind of change, at March 20, 2007 11:14 AM  

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