
Have you seen my other blog - Burfila - ?

14 November 2005


a subjective statement:-

girls are impossible

(oh i got an idea for another topic, here it goes:-

why, of all the subjective statements, will a girl not contest the following one?:-

girls rock

my answer - i don't know :-/)

so back to my initial statement...

i don't like sarcasm. neither do i use it. but a big fraction of people would comply to the fact that it is a tempting way of gaining sadistic satisfaction. i try to not give in to this temptation (easily) but sometimes it is just pure fun ;)

so, why do girls always hear what they should not? understand (misunderstand) what they should not?

well, my answer to my own question is - prototype level error

so what's the solution - live with it


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