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03 September 2006

the beautiful rain

most of the people must know by now that i don't really love rains. and even when it is raining beautiful i like to stay indoors and look at the beauty of it from the room or the balcony. i even click pictures sometimes. but i would rather stay indoors then venture out. but i realised something yesterday. i kind of realised why they relate rains with romance. when you are with someone whom you are fond of, the rains don't seem cold and the lights blink through the lights and the surroundings smell sweet.

the drops that touch your skin sensitize you to the presence of the other person.

i have always loved the seasons of delhi. i love both its major seasons, the hot summers and the chilly winters. i have always associated these seasons with the passion they have and they reflect in the way i think i am. i love the bright sunshine of june sun which almost takes toll on your energy and seem to suck it with a passion. and my favorite, winters, they just make you long for your lover in an intense fashion. and now i have a very intense reason to associate with rains.

Ari was filled with desire to take her in his arms and hold her, but he did nothing and said nothing.

~ Leon Uris, Exodus


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