
Have you seen my other blog - Burfila - ?

02 August 2006

what is Blogsvertise?

Not just to some friends and you people but even to me it had started to seem that my blog is turning from my personal space where i used to speak about my failure with the females and relationships and people used to smile/laugh to a public advertisement wall. there are small textual and pictorial links and advertisements creeping into the space where i could have tried to push some smiles. there are these cold unemotional declarations that are really not helping me with my or you with your life.

but what the heck, if i am crying my heart out by telling how the girl number 325 kicked ass of my heart then why should i not cry my heart about how the girl number 420 kicked the ass of my heart and make some money too at the same time :D :D

so guys and girls here goes... this company called Blogsvertise is into advertising. means they are the middle men. now why am i talking about the men? why not the service [and the women ;)]. so the point is these guys give you a link and name of the company. you talk about the company and use the link in your blog postings [i will give you a beautiful example below] and voila you make money. :D so simple, isn't it. even the girl number 420's kick don't hurt that much now.

so now "the beautiful example":-

"there was this babe who was 9.5 pegs down and i was 3000 bucks down. as soon as she feels me over and ask me to follow her to her bedroom, i feel my own ass over to ensure the condoms are there in my jeans pocket and at that very moment my grin fells flat when i realise that i just lend them to suresh. bloddy bartender is asking 500 bucks for the used one :( ..."

now you have to just link the word "condoms" in the above text to the site these Blogsvertise people have provided. simple, eh and not non-ethical too? :D


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