some are like them
i was having these bhindi today in lunch and was alone so no body to talk to, just nibbling alone. so i went back to the favorite pastime. now you all don't fight to do the guess work because no one is getting any brownie points to tell me that the favorite pastime is analysing them :D what's there to get surprised in that? everybody does that, including you. so the point is that i was analysing how are they. i guess...
some look so frail that you don't want to even touch them, they seem so vitiable that you don't even want to have them. overnice, i don't know if that would be a correct term.
some are beautiful but not sexy. they are petite and all that but they don't have that dirt about them which make them irresistible.
some are sexy and hot with huge stacks and all that along with all the stupendous assets but don't seem hygenic or don't give you too comfortable a feel when you imagine having cornetto with them
some are beautiful from a 35 degrees angle and sexpot from an 180 degrees angle but don't return your smile from any angle
then there are some other kinds, but i am bored now to write anything more.
some look so frail that you don't want to even touch them, they seem so vitiable that you don't even want to have them. overnice, i don't know if that would be a correct term.
some are beautiful but not sexy. they are petite and all that but they don't have that dirt about them which make them irresistible.
some are sexy and hot with huge stacks and all that along with all the stupendous assets but don't seem hygenic or don't give you too comfortable a feel when you imagine having cornetto with them
some are beautiful from a 35 degrees angle and sexpot from an 180 degrees angle but don't return your smile from any angle
then there are some other kinds, but i am bored now to write anything more.
u r mad...jumpingfrom Bhindi to this... :)
alice, at May 22, 2006 7:36 PM
** overnice, i don't know if that would be a correct term.
overnice? :):)
well u need a GF..Alice wut say, shall we put up a GF-Hunt-4-Burfy?
Keshi, at May 23, 2006 5:07 AM
alice - ocmon, i aint mad... :(
kesh - yea yea :D
burf, at May 23, 2006 9:30 AM
ok tell us the criteria for ur dream girl and we shall find her for ya...
Keshi, at May 24, 2006 7:18 AM
lemme meet alice this weekend and then i will then you how should the DG look like ;) [i mean i shall discuss with alice how shld one look like :p]
burf, at May 24, 2006 9:45 AM
Alice kyun? Main hoon na.. I mean, i'll find you the girl is what I meant. :p
Mr. J, at May 24, 2006 2:38 PM
Hey maybe we should make a blog or something. GF Hunt for Burfi. And we bring all the chicks to your blog.. what say? Uhh well, if only distance wasn't an issue things would've been much better.. know what I mean?? ;)
Mr. J, at May 24, 2006 2:39 PM
And I will sit and count how many girls ran off after hearing that Burf is looking for a GF ;)
Casablanca, at May 24, 2006 2:57 PM
me, casa - r u ppl sure, u intend to help me?????
burf, at May 24, 2006 5:18 PM
I dont like dont even wanna think about beautiful but not sezy, frail, etc...etc....etc...
Get a gal dude!!!
Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr, at May 24, 2006 5:52 PM
What?! They even return your smile?! :O
R, at May 28, 2006 10:24 PM
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