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27 May 2005


if u want to crack something, u need to be tolerant...

Cat introduced me to Sudoku and i embarked upon solving one of the "difficult" illustrations, and this is wat i found out is needed in order to solve a puzzle or crack a problem:-

1. huge tolerance levels
2. calm head
3. cool, if not cold, water
4. clear paper
5. atleast 2 diff colored pencils/pens

i guess the top 3 things above are required to solve any problem, be it personal, professional, incidental, accidental, mental, natural, paranormal or maybe even sexual :p


  • well thats right for sure...

    a calm mind and a glass(in my case a bottle) of cold water definitely helps.

    and if u have a good friend along your side, then,well...nothing like it.

    By Blogger @$#!$#, at May 28, 2005 4:14 PM  

  • all you need is some brains :P :D :D

    By Blogger Argentyne, at May 30, 2005 10:55 PM  

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