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17 January 2006

about anger and new introductions

this post is in honour of somebody, somebody who is angry [justifiable or not is still a subject matter to debate]. but the point is that the person is angry. and i am the reason for the anger.

you know what the problem with anger is? it is that it takes a moment to come and go but it damages a lot within that time-frame.

and i am always debating myself about the content that i want to have on this blog. i went candid with this thing once and it didn't cause anything which could have been a reason to rejoice.

but i am going to introduce some SEO techniques to this blog. let us see how it helps, if at all.


  • Maybe you could apologise to the person, or maybe just give time? A lot of anger subsides with the passage of time... or so me thinks.

    My 2 cents worth...

    By Blogger Casablanca, at January 18, 2006 7:50 AM  

  • if u r still wondering if it was "justifiable or not" mayb just forget abt the anger and the person...not that u still remember ,I presume u donĂ¹t which is good

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at January 20, 2006 4:00 PM  

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