
Have you seen my other blog - Burfila - ?

16 January 2006

(c) ajeeb

if a robber enters your home and falls upon a butcher's knife and cuts himself and then sues you and even wins the case, what would you say? i heard that in a hollywood movie and but saw it for real on that medicine side-effects related website in their new york personal injury section.


  • crazy...well, truth is supposed to be stranger than fiction...

    By Blogger the Monk, at January 16, 2006 11:51 PM  

  • Haha... yes I heard about this also. Was seriously hilarious. Being a lawyer in US must be one cool job!

    By Blogger Casablanca, at January 17, 2006 3:57 PM  

  • Isn't that crazy!! Ugh. You know what's even crazier...

    If a robber comes into your house, steals your big screen plasma tv and is WALKING OUT (via window or door doesn't matter - back towards you) and you tackle, hit, shoot, etc. YOU are civially liable (possibly criminally)??!! I mean the guy is stealing my stuff, breaking in my house - doesn't matter.

    Why? The law says because he was -leaving the house. Nevermind he took my stuff...

    By Blogger Our Catholic Family, at January 19, 2006 12:53 AM  

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